Hi! I'm Dhruvi, a data analyst and visualisation specialist with a background in graphic design based in New York City.


2025 by Dhruvi Mehta


UI UX Design
Later is a photo sharing application allows you stay in the moment and focus on the memories later.  This app was created in collaboration with Nitya Dhingra, Jenni Ang and Stella Huang. We wanted to solve the issue of sharing images over AirDrop when you and your loved ones are supposed to be enjoying the moment, or being bombarded the next day with texts that say “can you send the pictures from last night?”

Our aim was to create an app that simplifies the media sharing process after events, gatherings, trips, or parties by streamlining the photo sharing process and archiving memories in an organized manner to create a meaningful user experience, all in a single application.


Check out the Figma  Prototype